Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Crack Download


Agisoft Metashape Professional Crack {Updated} Free Download

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Crack is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data for use in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurement objects at different scales.

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 License Key is a cutting-edge software solution, with its core engine pushing photogrammetry to its highest limits, while the entire system is designed to deliver industry-specific results leveraging machine learning techniques for post-processing and analysis tasks.

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Patch can process images from RGB or multispectral cameras, including multi-camera systems, into high-value spatial information in the form of dense point clouds, textured polygonal models, true orthomoses georeferenced, and DSM / DTM. In addition, post-processing can remove shadows and texture artifacts from the model, calculate vegetation index and extract information for action maps of agricultural equipment, automatically classify clouds as dense dots, etc.

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Key Benefits:

  • Very Fast & Highly Accurate

Based on the most advanced technology developed by Agisoft, Metashape enables extremely fast processing, while providing consistent and highly accurate results for aerial and close-up photography (up to 3cm for aerial photography and up to 3cm for aerial photography). 1 mm for close-up photography).

  • Local or Cloud Processing

Agisoft Metashape Professional Full Version can process more than 50,510 photos on local clusters, thanks to its distributed processing functionality. Alternatively, projects can be easily sent to the cloud to minimize hardware investment, with all processing options still available.

  • Intuitive UI & Stereo Mode

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Serial Key has an intuitive linear project-based workflow and can be easily mastered even by non-specialists, while photogrammetry professionals can benefit from advanced features such as stereo mode and have full control over the accuracy of the results, with detailed reports generated at the end of the treatment.

  • Terrestrial laser scanners support

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Keygen, in addition to color photogrammetry and multispectral image processing workflows, provides the functionality to combine terrestrial laser scanners and camera data in a single project. Simultaneous adjustment of the laser scanner and camera position allows the incorporation of LiDAR and photogrammetric depth maps, allowing LiDAR technology to be used for interiors and photogrammetry for exteriors and photorealistic textures. Seamless integration allows a full suite of photogrammetric software to be applied to LiDAR data: marker support and automatic target detection for manual alignment of scanner data, instrument coverage to ignore unwanted objects, and more.

  • Improved depth maps

Agisoft Metashape Professional Latest Version includes a new depth map generation algorithm that helps maintain thin structures in the reconstructed model while effectively filtering noise in the surface finish. The algorithm, for most of the workflow steps, supports GPU-accelerated processing and network-distributed operations.

  • Automatic powerlines detection

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Activator has the functionality of automatic detection of power lines on images and thus enables large-scale power line inspection projects to be carried out without the need to invest in LiDAR equipment. The results as a 3D polyline model for each wire can be exported for documentation and analysis in industry-specific tools or used to avoid obstacles with mission planning algorithms in Metashape. A catenary curve-fitting algorithm ensured the robustness of the results.

  • Seamless orthomosaic for Surveying & Mapping

Agisoft Metashape Professional Crack is the perfect tool for processing aerial images. The functionality of the program continues to be developed based on the tasks defined by the rapidly growing UAS industry. Metal shape has proven to be a professional-grade post-processing tool capable of generating and classifying dense point clouds for highly detailed DSM / DTM calculations and high-resolution borderless orthomosaic export, not to mention reconstruction. accurate polygonal models of large-scale objects. It is an integral part of the GIS workflow starting with the UAV system.

  • Highly accurate measurements for Mining and Quarrying

The highly accurate DEM produced by Metashape lays the foundation for the precise area and volume measurements for excavation and piles. After several flights made at different times, Agisoft Metashape Professional License Key makes it possible to follow changes in volume, soil erosion, and glacial studies. The ability to automatically detect uncoded targets saves manual labor in regularly executed inspection projects.

  • Customized vegetation index calculation for Precision Agriculture & Environmental Management

With support for panchromatic, multispectral, and thermal imaging, Agisoft Metashape Professional Patch seamlessly integrates into workflows involving the processing of data from multiple sources, such as vegetation and soil analysis, fire and night studies, etc. The calculation of the vegetation index according to formulas defined by the user makes it possible to analyze the cultivation problems and generate revenue for agricultural equipment at varying levels.

  • Consumer camera support for Archaeology & Documentation

Archeology increasingly relies on current photogrammetric approaches, whether it is the need to model artifacts or the demand for excavation mapping. With the ability to process images from any digital camera, Agisoft Metashape Professional Serial Key is widely used in a variety of archaeological projects both in the mountains and underwater, including specialist research such as the study of green plant patterns to find ancient underground ruins or rock art documentation and analysis projects.

  • Oblique imagery supports Architecture & Cultural Heritage Preservation

Numerous projects prove that Metashape is a quality tool for solving facade and building modeling tasks. With support for oblique image processing, Metashape enables the reconstruction of entire buildings, which can be used to create virtual tours, with the reconstructed results displayed as illustrative models of large-scale cultural heritage objects. 3D models of partially destroyed monuments and artifacts generated with Agisoft Metashape Professional Keygen provide a reliable basis for restoration work thanks to the exceptional accuracy of reconstruction results.

  • Photorealistic textures for Visual Effects & Game Design

Thanks to high precision and photorealism, Metashape models meet the stringent requirements of professional animation studios, which successfully use the software for film and game production. Face and body photos, including the most requested ones, prove that Metashape’s potential is beyond imagination.

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Key Features:

Photogrammetric triangulation:

  • Processing of different types of images: aerial (nadir, tilt), close-up, satellite.
  • Automatic calibration: frame (including eyelets), sphere camera, and cylinder.
  • Support for multi-camera projects.
  • Scanned image with support for reference tokens.

Dense point cloud: editing and classification:

  • Complex model editing for precise results.
  • Automatic classification of multi-class points to customize subsequent reconstruction.
  • Import/export to take advantage of classic point data processing workflows.

Digital elevation model: DSM/DTM generation:

  • Digital surface and/or terrain model – depending on the project.
  • Georeferencing based on EXIF ​​metadata/flight logs, and GCP data.
  • EPSG register coordinate system supports WGS84, UTM, etc.
  • Configurable vertical reference system based on a geoid ripple grid.

Georeferenced orthomosaic generation:

  • Orthomosaic with georeferencing: the most GIS-compatible GeoTIFF format; KML files to be placed in Google Earth.
  • Export in blocks for large projects.
  • Color correction for homogeneous textures.
  • Integrated ghost filter to combat artifacts from moving objects.
  • Special planar and cylindrical projection options for close-up projects.

Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) registration:

  • Simultaneous adjustment of laser scanner and camera position.
  • Possibility of combining TLS depth maps and photogrammetry.
  • Marker support and automatic target detection for manual alignment of scanner data.
  • Masking tool to ignore unwanted objects in scanner data.

Ground control points/scale bar support:

  • Import GCP for georeferencing and check the accuracy of results.
  • Automatic detection of coded / uncoded targets for fast GCP entry.
  • Scale bar tool for setting reference distances without applying positioning equipment.

Measurements: distances, areas, volumes:

  • Built-in tools for measuring distance, area, and volume.
  • To perform more sophisticated metric analyses, photogrammetric processing products can be transferred seamlessly to external tools through various export formats.

Stereoscopic measurements:

  • Professional 3D monitors and 3D controllers support precise and convenient stereoscopic vectorization for functionality and measurement.

3D model: generation and texturing:

  • Various scenes: archaeological sites, artifacts, buildings, interiors, people, etc.
  • Upload directly to various online sources and export to a variety of popular formats.
  • Photorealistic textures: HDR and multi-file support (including UDIM layout).

Hierarchical tiled model generation:

  • City-scale modeling maintains the original image resolution for textures.
  • Cesium publishing.

4D modeling for dynamic scenes:

  • Multi-camera data processing for creative projects in the film arts, game industry, etc.
  • The basis of various visual effects with 3D models reconstructed in time sequence.

Panorama stitching:

  • 3D reconstruction of data captured from the same camera position – camera stations, provided there is at least 2 camera stations.
  • Merging 360° panoramas for data from a camera station.

Multispectral imagery processing:

  • RGB / NIR / thermal/multispectral image processing.
  • Fast rebuild based on preferred channel.
  • Calculation and export of user-defined multichannel orthomosaic vegetation indices (eg NDVI).

Automatic powerlines detection:

  • Easy and fast for large-scale projects as it only requires aligned images as input.
  • Export the results as a 3D polyline model for each wire.
  • Powerful results thanks to the catenary curve adjustment algorithm.

Satellite imagery processing:

  • General processing workflows for panchromatic and multispectral satellite imagery are supported, provided sufficiently accurate RPC data is available for each image.

Python and Java API:

  • In addition to batch processing – a way to save on human intervention, Python scripts, and Java bindings suggest advanced automation and customization options. From adding custom processing operations to the application’s GUI to fully automating jobs and integrating them into Python or Java pipelines.

Network processing:

  • Distributed computing over a local computer network uses the combined power of multiple nodes to process large sets of data in a project.

Cloud processing:

  • The cloud-based processing interface enables savings in hardware infrastructure for photogrammetric channels, with further options for viewing and sharing various processing results online with colleagues or clients, as well as for integrating projects published to your web platform.

What’s new in Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019?

  • Some improvements and bug fixes.

Agisoft Metashape Professional License Key {Tested} Free Download

Agisoft Metashape Professional Patch {Latest} Free Download

How to install & activate it?
  • Disconnect from the internet and disable your antivirus protection momentarily (Recommended).
  • Extract and install Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 by using setup.
  • After the installation, don’t launch the program or close it if launched.
  • Copy the crack file to the installation directory and replace it.
  • It’s done, Enjoy Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Full Version.

Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.2.1 Build 20019 Patch & Serial Key {Tested} Full Version Free Download from the links given below!

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